
ne_per_lib.h File Reference

Performance measure library. More...

#include "ne_std.h"
#include "ne_per.h"
#include "ne_dyn_vec.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


ne_per_tne_per_top_eigenratio_alloc (void)
 Allocate eigenratio topological performance measure for network laplcaican.
double ne_per_top_eigenratio (ne_sys_t *sys, ne_dyn_vec_t *dyn, ne_real_t *params)
 Eigenratio performance measure function.
ne_per_tne_per_dyn_orderparam_alloc (ne_real_t delta)
 Allocate order parameter dynamical performance measure.
double ne_per_dyn_orderparam (ne_sys_t *sys, ne_dyn_vec_t *dyn, double *params)
 Order parameter performance measure function.
double ne_per_dyn_orderparam_integral (ne_sys_t *sys, ne_dyn_vec_t *dyn, double *params)
 Adapted order parameter performance measure function.
double ne_per_dyn_orderparam_calc_mu (ne_sys_t *sys, ne_dyn_vec_t *dyn, int t, double delta)
 Calculates mu required during calculation of order parameter.
ne_per_tne_per_dyn_bounded_alloc (ne_real_t tEnd)
 Allocate bounded synchronisation dynamical performance measure.
double ne_per_dyn_bounded (ne_sys_t *sys, ne_dyn_vec_t *dyn, double *params)
 Bounded synchronisation function.

Detailed Description

Performance measure library.

Performance measures are used by NetEvo to compare two systems and can be viewed as a selective pressure on the system. Here are a library of built in performance functions. Although allocation is performance on a per measure basis, freeing is performed by the same ne_per_free function.

T.E. Gorochowski

Definition in file ne_per_lib.h.

Function Documentation

double ne_per_dyn_bounded ( ne_sys_t sys,
ne_dyn_vec_t dyn,
double *  params 

Bounded synchronisation function.

ne_per_t* ne_per_dyn_bounded_alloc ( ne_real_t  tEnd  ) 

Allocate bounded synchronisation dynamical performance measure.

Calculates the boundedness of the current dynamics. This is calculated by taking a section at the end of the simulation (given by parameter) and estimating the bound by finding the maximum squared norm error between all pairs of trajectories. So for example, a perfectly synchronised system would have a bound of 0.

Definition at line 182 of file ne_per_lib.c.

double ne_per_dyn_orderparam ( ne_sys_t sys,
ne_dyn_vec_t dyn,
double *  params 

Order parameter performance measure function.

ne_per_t* ne_per_dyn_orderparam_alloc ( ne_real_t  delta  ) 

Allocate order parameter dynamical performance measure.

Calcuates the percentage of the network that has become synchronised within an error bound epsilon based on simulated time-series.

Definition at line 77 of file ne_per_lib.c.

double ne_per_dyn_orderparam_calc_mu ( ne_sys_t sys,
ne_dyn_vec_t dyn,
int  t,
double  delta 

Calculates mu required during calculation of order parameter.

Definition at line 140 of file ne_per_lib.c.

double ne_per_dyn_orderparam_integral ( ne_sys_t sys,
ne_dyn_vec_t dyn,
double *  params 

Adapted order parameter performance measure function.

Calculates an adapted version of the Order Parameter which takes transient behaviour into consideration. Does this by calculating the integral for the whole time-series.

double ne_per_top_eigenratio ( ne_sys_t sys,
ne_dyn_vec_t dyn,
ne_real_t params 

Eigenratio performance measure function.

Definition at line 50 of file ne_per_lib.c.

ne_per_t* ne_per_top_eigenratio_alloc ( void   ) 

Allocate eigenratio topological performance measure for network laplcaican.

Calculate by l_N / l_2 of the network laplacian where l_N and l_2 are the Nth and 2nd eigenratios.

Definition at line 31 of file ne_per_lib.c.